Seit 2007 ermöglicht das Profitraining freischaffende TänzerInnen und Tanzkompanien der freien Szene, regelmässig professionell zu trainieren. Es werden sechs wöchentliche Trainingseinheiten angeboten. Preis pro Lektion: CHF 10.- (für Mitglieder beim Tanzbüro Basel, andere IG Tanz oder Danse Suisse) / CHF 15.- (für Nichtmitglieder). Kostenlose Teilnahme für Flüchtlinge/Asylbewerber mit Aufenthaltserlaubnis B mit „Flüchtlingsstatus“, F, N oder S.
Für Fragen zum Profitraining:
Since 2007, the Profitraining enables freelance dancers and freelance dance companies to take professional-level classes on a regular basis. Six classes per week are being offered. Price for one class: CHF 10.- (Tanzbüro Basel members, members in other IGs and Danse Suisse) / CHF 15.- (non-members). Free participation for refugees/asylum seekers with staying permit B with “refugee status”, F, N, or S.
For specific questions:
Information Profitraining Basel
Registration Profitraining Basel
Monday: Danceworks (Spalentorweg 20, 4051 Basel), 10:30-12:00, Contemporary
Tuesday: Danceworks (Spalentorweg 20, 4051 Basel), 10:30-12:00, Contemporary
Wednesday: Danceworks (Spalentorweg 20, 4051 Basel), 10:30-12:00, Contemporary
Thursday: Chronos (Elisabethenstrasse 22, 4051 Basel), 10:30-12:00, Ballet
Saturday: Chronos (Elisabethenstrasse 22, 4051 Basel),11:00-12:30, Ballet
Sunday: Danceworks (Spalentorweg 20, 4051 Basel), 11:00-12:30, Ballet
The Profitraining does not take place at the Tanzbüro itself, but in the studios Danceworks and Chronos. Addresses see above.
Pay once and participate in 10 Profitraining classes. The card is not tied to a specific day, style or studio and has unlimited validity. Prices: CHF 100.-/150.-/200.- (based on your usual class price), to be paid cash in the studio. The monthly membership is also still available (validity 30/31 days). CHF 80 (Tanzbüro members & profis or students without income), CHF 120 (all others).
Download teachers' profiles and class descriptions March 25
Download teachers' profiles and class descriptions April 25
Profitraining Basel is supported by Kulturabteilung Basel-Stadt, Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung.
Partner organizations:
Nationaler Kalender für Profitrainings von Danse Suisse (Link).
New format: LAB, a professional training that focuses more on conveying the artistic working methods of the invited artist and less on the technical aspects of dance. The invited artists are at different stages of their artistic journey and invest in their specific approach to movement and/or their artistic practice. It is an opportunity for dancers, choreographers and creatives to meet physically in the studio, exchange ideas and be curious about each other.
These PT Lab sessions usually take place on the last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the month during regular professional training times. Schedule irregularities are possible, the dates and teachers/choreographers will be communicated in advance. All Profitraining participants are invited to cultivate their openness and to dive into unfamiliar or familiar working methods in order to share a studio moment together.
Jan 27-29 Zina Vaessen
Feb 24-26 Manel Salas
Mar 24-26 May Zarhy
Apr 28-30 Ophelia Young
May 26-28 Zoe Gyssler
June 23-25 Tumbleweed (Angela Rabaglio, Micaël Florentz)
January 29-31 Marie-Louise Schneider
February 26-28 Tyra Wigg
March 18-20 Jeremy Nedd
April 22-24 Yeonji Han
May 27-29 Pascale Utz
June 17-19 Jonas Onny
August 26-28 Rosie Terry Toogood
September 23-25 Tabea Martin
October 28-30 Declan Whitaker
November 25-27 Aly Khamees
December 16-18 Jasminka Stenz
August 28-30 Fabrice Mazliah
September 25-27 Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica
October 23-25 Tamara Gvozdenovic
November 27-29 Simea Cavelti
December 18-20 Olivia Ronzani und Eevi Kinnunen